Our Blog

Segmenting Our Lives

Many of us can somehow "segment" our lives and find ways to justify (we think) living one way while proclaiming to be something else. For example, we are church leaders but hooked on computer porn or involved in affairs. What is up with that?

This week, think about the inconsistencies in your own life--and what risks you are taking with those. Is it worth it? What would be the consequences if your entire list of activities from, say, last week was known to literally everyone? Anything you wouldn't want on the front page of the local section?

We can develop trusting male friendships which hold us accountable. We can give each other permission to ask of us, "Have you been involved in anything in the last month which would embarrass you or cause damage to your family?" Are you brave enough to create an accountability partner to provide that type of mutual support? Agreed, that is not easy. But it is easier than facing the glare of being found out to be something you are not.