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The Power of Forgiveness in a Relationship

We've all been there before. We get hurt by the person we care about and we hold onto that hurt, letting it fester until it becomes anger. Before long, that anger has taken over and we're lashing out, saying and doing things we never would have thought possible. We know we're being irrational, but we can't help it. We're in pain and we want the person who caused that pain to feel it too.

It's normal to want revenge when we've been wronged. But if we give into that urge, we're only going to end up causing more pain - both for ourselves and for the people we care about. That's why forgiveness is so important in a relationship. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. Here's why:

1. Forgiveness Heals Wounds
When someone hurts us, it can feel like they've taken something away from us...like they've stolen our happiness, our peace of mind, or our sense of security. And the anger and resentment we feel can keep those wounds from ever healing. If we forgive the person who hurt us, though, we take back the power they took from us. We no longer give them the control to dictate how we feel. Instead, we choose to move on and heal the wounds they inflicted.

2. Forgiveness Keeps Us from Becoming Prisoners of the Past
If we don't learn to forgive, we'll continue to carry around all the anger and resentment from our past relationships - even if those relationships ended years ago. That means we'll never be able to fully open ourselves up to new people in our lives because part of us will always be holding back, afraid of getting hurt again. But if we can learn to forgive the people who have hurt us in the past, then we can finally start living in the present and looking towards the future with hope instead of fear.

3. Forgiveness Makes Us Stronger People
It takes a strong person to admit they were wrong and an even stronger person to forgive someone who has wronged them - especially when that forgiveness isn't warranted or deserved. By forgiving someone who doesn't deserve it, we show them that their actions don't have the power to determine our happiness or our self-worth. We also send a message to ourselves that no matter how hard life gets, we'll always be able to pick ourselves up and move on because forgiveness is one of our defining qualities as human beings. Whenever you find it in yourself to forgive someone who has hurt you, know that you are doing something truly amazing and admirable.

Forgiveness is never easy but it's always worth it because it sets us free from the anger and resentment of the past so that we can live happier, healthier lives in the present moment. The next time you find yourself struggling to forgive someone who has hurt you, remember these three reasons why forgiveness is so important in a relationship - because they just might be enough to help you find the strength you need to let go of your pain and move on with your life.