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Warning Signs That You Need Relationship Counseling or Couples Therapy

Do you feel like your relationship is in trouble? Are you constantly fighting and bickering with your partner? If so, you may need to seek out relationship counseling or couples therapy. Many couples wait too long to get help, and by the time they do, it's often too late. In this blog post, we will discuss some warning signs that indicate you need some support in your marriage. 

If you are constantly arguing with your partner, this is a major red flag that something is wrong. Couples should be able to discuss their differences without resorting to name-calling and screaming matches. If you find that you are always at each other's throats, it's time to seek help from a professional.

Another warning sign is if you are no longer intimate with your partner. Intimacy is an important part of any relationship, and if it's lacking, it can be a major issue. If you're not sure why you're no longer intimate with your partner, it's time to talk to a therapist. They can help you explore the reasons behind your lack of intimacy and help you find ways to rekindle the spark in your relationship.

Do you feel like you're always walking on eggshells around your partner? If you're afraid of saying or doing something that will set them off, this is a huge problem. No one should have to live in fear of their partner, and if this is how you feel, it's time to get some help.

If you find that you and your partner are no longer doing things together, this is another sign that something is wrong. Couples should enjoy spending time together, whether it's going on dates, taking walks, or just watching TV. If you're not doing these things anymore, it's a sign that you're growing apart and need to seek help.

More warning signs that you need relationship counseling or couples therapy include:

  • You no longer communicate with each other

  • You only communicate to each other when you can't avoid it any longer

  • You have different values and goals—in terms of your life, values, or career

  • You're always criticizing each other

  • You don't trust each other

  • You're always jealous of each other

  • You're not supportive of each other

When you're ready to seek help, the first step is to find a couples therapist or counselor. You can ask your doctor for a referral, or look for therapists in your area online. Once you've found a few potential therapists, it's important to do your research and make sure they're a good fit for you and your partner. 

You can read reviews of the therapist, check their website, and even call the office to ask questions. Once you've found a therapist you're comfortable with, it's time to make an appointment.

If this is your first time seeing a therapist, you may be wondering what to expect. The first session is usually devoted to getting to know the therapist and discussing your goals for therapy. After that, each session will focus on different topics. 

You and your partner will talk openly about your relationship and what's not working. The therapist will help you identify patterns in your relationship and offer solutions for how to fix them. 

Couples therapy can be a difficult process, but it's worth it if you want to save your relationship. If you're experiencing any of the warning signs we've discussed, don't wait to get help. Seek out a therapist today to begin giving your relationship the attention it deserves.

Want to learn more about how you can improve your relationship? Click here to book complimentary coaching with Men in Balance Founder Jerry Hancock.